The fourth generation DLH4 light head is the single, best selling professional, precision light source in the world.
This new generation incorporates the award winning Aspherics² lens combination and zoom focus. The many power options and unprecedented range of accessories make it a uniquely versatile instrument.
Štvrtá generácia svetla DLH4, v tomto svetle sa stretáva kombinácia, cenou ocenenej Aspherics2 optiky
a fokusovateľného zoomu. Veľa možností napájania a ojedinelé spektrum príslušenstva robia toto svetlo jedinečné.
This light head works with following Power Supplies:
This light head works with following Light Controls:
This light head works with following Imager:
This light head works with following Mountings:
Copyright 2014, Katja Roske